VIDA 2015A is verified working with Volvo dice interface like this: The source of VIDA 2015A software + the special dongle: Only run with the special USB dongle can VIDA 2015A work successfully! VIDA 2015A l anguage available: English, Chinese !QBBXUKqR!tppkQSAg_9QSapNLXC3kVTJSAlJPvLNgjDaLKdicK6Q
Part 1: Free download VIDA 2015A software: This article will provide VIDA 2015A software mega download link, VIDA 2015A software car list, VIDA 2015A installation procedure, VIDA 2015A newly release notes etc. VIDA 2015A is confirmed working flawlessly with Volvo dice interface clone, compatible with the Volvo cars from 1999 year to 2017 year, also a part to 2018 2019 year.